Frequently Asked Questions

What is Eddy Current Testing (ECT) useful for?

Eddy Current Testing (ECT) has many, widely varying applications related to the non-destructive testing of non-ferromagnetic metals. Eddy Current USA, Inc. specializes in the testing of tubular products (i.e. bobbin coil testing), particularly those products found within chillers and heat exchangers.

What can Eddy Current Testing (ECT) detect?

ECT is useful for detecting large volume, small volume, and circumferential cracking, pitting, and corrosion.

What are the limitation of Eddy Current Testing (ECT)?

ECT has known limitations with respect to Depth of Penetration. Generally speaking, ECT is best applied when inspecting thin materials or materials where potential Defects are located on or near the surface. By nature of how Eddy Currents themselves operate, circumferential cracks are also exceedingly difficult to assess, though there are methods and coil/probe configurations that can be used to deal with this.

How often should our equipment be tested?

Due to its non-destructive nature, there is no minimum amount of time or times an ECT procedure can be performed. Depending on the vessel being tested however, Eddy Current USA, Inc. typically recommends a test to be performed every 2-5 years.

Where can I learn more about ET, ECT, and NDT?

While there are many places to learn about the history and application of non-destructive testing (NDT), we consider the American Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT) to be the leading authority.